Sunday, October 2, 2011

26K - 100Km week challenge?

I decided to try a 26K today and managed it in 2:31. It was muddy because it rained last evening and because I set off at 9am, there were times when the sunlight did a number on me.
So there was the mud, the fact that this was supposed to be a LSR and the sun. But I gave it a shot. It turns out that doing a 5mins 5K wont be a walk in the park. But I gave it a shot at the 21 and 22nd K and managed and I can see my heart rate was just at 162. So its doable. The outcome is as per the table below. Interesting that my best time was at the 22nd K mark.
I am contemplating challenging myself to do 100k this week. Or will I be inviting injuries? Hmmmm....


Abraham Gumba said...

5 min 5k?? ama 15 mins?

Running Writer said...

5 mins 1k. Which comes to 15 mins. Thanks.