Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting On Well

I am almost through with the second week of my second post-injury break. I am not too worried about losing form because my hunger, my passion, my anger and my thirst to go sub 90 minutes is building every day as I get better.
I have been influenced by something Richard Hillested said sometime ago:

When I was 37, I pulled a groin muscle, and I tried to run through it. A friend asked, ‘You have to decide: Are you going to run for the next two weeks or for the rest of your life?’ That's been my philosophy ever since.

Richard Hillested, 66, finisher of more than 75 marathons and Ultras.

So I would rather take the next two weeks and start running in early Feb. And I will start slowly and explode sometime mid-March. No more injuries for me this year. Slow build up and avoiding too much too soon should help. At any rate, my knee is much better, haven't had any pain or incident with it the last three days, even when I am running up a flight of stairs. But I am still conserving it. Still havent fully tested it outside the pitch.
Yes, I am also seeking to increase my earning abilities coz I need all the money I can get this year: lots of plans plus my mother is unwell so drugs and hospital bills...

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