Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Climbing out of the Trenches...Plans and Strategies...No Stopping

I improved my 18K time by 26 seconds yesterday. I didn't meet my goal but it was an improvement (18K in 1:21:18 compared to 18K in 1:21:44) - starting with 4:20, 4:19, 4:18, 4:25, 4:21... I probably started too fast but I was also testing my ability to run when in trouble (lactic acid accumulating rapidly) - my average pace ended up as 4:31 over the 18K. Its also good to test now and then how long I can last at near 14Km/hr speed going forward. Mix it up!

I was just reviewing our splits in May/April and we have improved A LOT! Its amazing.
I am almost through with the 30 day ab challenge. Tomorrow I will do day 26 (115 situps, 62 leg raises etc). I am now looking for another challenge - priority is flexibility and my core strength.

This is last week in the trenches. I can't wait to start piling intensity on the runs as I cut back the mileage and sharpen my speed and strength. I will also have to devise a diet for my lower mileage runs. I still have a lot of work to do there especially dinnertime. This time, I lost a lot of weight around my thighs. Trousers that I thought were poorly tailored just needed leaner thighs and they are now fine.
I am thinking of mixing core strength with lower body exercises and I am looking for a program I can follow alongside my running. So maybe:

Or Maybe: twohundredsquats?
Or Maybe:
Or, better yet, and most likely, (100) Burpees which is a combination of squat, push-up, and vertical jump and will target hip extensors, quads, arms and abs:
Or maybe I will combine them. Either way, I will find some strength and flexibility schedule to supplement my running. Al let you know. My iliopsoas is painful but it gets runnable when my body is warmed up. This has really compromised my early morning runs because its very painful when my body is not warmed up. Evening is cool because I walk 1.5Km to the field. Running uphill makes it kill me. I am just managing it, somehow. I am just striving to make sure I incur no other injury elsewhere and since my injuries this year have been around my core (hips, groin, psoas), I am really working on being strong and flexible even as I seek speed and endurance.
Plus, the same way running enriches my life and gives me something to look forward to, these strength exercises mix up my running and make me more all-rounded.
I am targeting:
  • Lower body fat
  • Tighter abs
  • Leaner and stronger legs
  • Improved explosiveness
  • Increased strength
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved stability 
The best strategy is to be very strong. In all areas.
Keep running!

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