Thursday, June 2, 2011

50 mins - I have a cold

I did my last 50mins for this week today. It was a slow one but it felt great because I have managed to get out there and do it four times in a row. And getting out there every day is what is needed. They say champions are made when nobody is watching so I am content with where I am. My shins are happier even though my knees are acting up. But I have upped my lunges so I expect the knees to cool down.
I have been having a cold for three days now and yesterday I had to go to hospital to get something for my cough and to clear my nostrils. So against my wife's insistence that I take a rest, I have banked my 200mins this week. My weight is not doing very well but then again, traveling always pushes it off its course.
Tomorrow I rest. Sunday I am thinking of joining the Nike running group at Galeria and hope to do 25K. If I can get dusty routes, that would be excellent.
Here is Jeter. What, you dont know her? You should.

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