At any rate, we were there early, had enough time to stretch and play chicken and take photos. The weather was excellent. The crowds were perfect. I felt kinds heavy but that made sense since I had added 2Kg in the last 2 weeks. Imagine that shit.
Here I pose with Ogutu and Mutwiri. I set my garmin to beep after every Km and display the time taken to cover it.
And we were off!
The first 1K was crowded and at times I had to get out of the road to move forward. I couldn't see Ogutu, Mark, Borura etc. At the H. Selassie roundabout, my garmin beeped:
That was fast. But I decided not to slow down coz I was not speeding. I was just going with the current. I went on cruising with the surging crowd. Water at 1.5K. My garmin beeped.
Okay, not bad. I saw Gacho, who hollered. I also saw the smooth-runnin guy we saw in Ndaka. He wore a cadense sensor, was carrying his signature liquid in a water bottle and this time, he wore shorts instead of tights. Still smooth-moving. I ran alongside him for a while. I looked around and couldn't see my guys. My garmin beeped and I glanced at it.
Very good. Gotta ease off the gas pedal though. I thought. So I did and the guy drifted away. I still hadn't started working. I was just running. But my garmin indicated that my HR was 172 so I was working even if my mind hadn't registered it.
Not bad. I went on. Just cruising.
Here, I started working but I didn't want to push too much. 5K in under 25mins was okay.
I developed a stitch.
Stitch is gone. Some two white guys run up to me and we pace each other.
Damn, I wasn't goin to do 13K within 1 hour. The two guys leave me behind.
Okay, so sub 1:40 is beyond reach. Damn. And I seem to have no energy. WTF?
I realize if I keep running like this, I wont get anything interesting. I decide to just run. I use my garmin and use my heart rate to pace myself. I use whatever pace can keep me at 170.
Yeah, its 4K only left but I am screwed up so bad. I grit my teeth and push. I have nothing left. I dont get it but this is happening right now.
I pass some old man who passed me at 18K in Ndakaini. I smile. I see I am not the only one returning a poor performance. I made a little snack out of his struggling form.
My legs are shot. Nothing is left in the tank.
My garmin reads 1:48 when I cross the finnish line. But thats for 21.3K. My 21K time is 1:46:43. I will print the certificate and share. My legs are totally shot. I never felt this way in a long, long time. Its like I didnt train as hard as I did this year! I cant freakin believe this shit.
Anyways, that is that. The main thing is not to lose the momentum. Like SFD says, There is No failure, there is only the Next Race. I will rest maybe for two weeks or so then resume. Weight loss will continue. My LSRs will now hit 30K and I will find a way of ensuring I have a decent mileage. I have to cut off at least 10mins from this time next year.
Mark finished ahead of me which is impressive. I have learnt something today: someone building on a poor performance last year is better of this year than someone coming back after a 2 year hiatus and an impressive performance three years ago.
This is very important. And I probably shouldn't be so hard on myself since I last raced in 2008 and resumed proper racing this year.
Now next year I build on this foundation. War Jack!
Borura debuted with a sub 2 hr race. Mutwiri in 2:05. Nice! Ogutu's race report is one thing I can't wait. I already bought popcorn for reading how he lost the 10K I threw at him.